Trying to make a comeback

It’s been over a year since my last post. A lot’s happened in the past year:

  • Trump really became president and is still in office.
  • I’ve made it past the one year mark at my job (not without scrapes, bruises, and fleeting thoughts of leaving).
  • I’ve made it through another year of 40-something motherhood. And there’s a lot that comes with that:
    • still aiming for a week of uninterrupted sleep
    • still learning something new everyday about being a parent
    • still amazed that I’m a mother at this age
    • still blown away by the fact that this little person has half my genes
  • I got back to running and practicing yoga (thanks to a health incentive at work that pays me money for doing that!)
  • I’ve started reading for pleasure again (this motherhood thing was really kicking my butt when it comes to doing things for myself).

I’m hoping to get back into writing about this journey into middle-age as a working mother of a toddler. I’ll be sharing things that I’m sure are already out there in the blogosphere, but it’s a way for me to reflect and have a record of my life in this period that my son can someday read.

I’m also hoping to process work I’m doing at my workplace on diversity, equity, and inclusion, pushing myself and others to create a more just and sustainable world. I’ve been especially thinking a lot recently about how we tackle white supremacy, white privilege, and racism with well-meaning white folks who are doing (or think they’re doing) the work.

So this is just me trying to hold myself accountable, wanting to start writing again and hoping to do this on a regular basis again.